Family Funds

To apply, fill out and submit the form after reading the information below.

CARE Grant Program is for helping families with medication, autism diagnosis/evaluation, therapy session (including speech, OT and ABA,) autism summer camps.

Please note that all grants awarded are paid directly to the vendor or service provider to pay for tuition, supplements, medication, medical evaluation, testing, therapies, etc.

Who Can Apply

Anybody who has a child diagnosed with autism, lives within the US and has an income level less than $75,000 per year for the entire household can apply to this grant. Before the grant is awarded, proof of ASD diagnosis from medical professional as well as IRS Tax forms indicating the household income need to be provided.

Grant applications are accepted year round with no deadline. Grants are funded throughout the year and are determined by the funding available. (These grants are provided by the fundraising efforts of CARE Foundation team).

*Please note that all grants awarded are paid directly to the vendor or service provider to pay for tuition, supplements/medication, medical evaluation or testing, therapies, etc.

What type of service are you applying for. Choose only one.


♦ Please allow a minimum of 6-8 weeks for the CARE Foundation to read and evaluate your application. If accepted, proof of autism will need to be scanned and e-mailed to